July 27, 2024

It took 6 months but for me the results are worth the wait.
I see Royal Oak as a shipping related watch and I have been servicing the shipping industry for 40 years.
In the logo of my tanker shipping company, a part of the logo is a tankers seen from the front. The hull lines are formed from two letters “F” which also refer to the name of the shipping company.
I asked AP to create an unique oscillating weight where only the tanker would be clearly visible. Here’s the result – I got my 15202 fixed and the new rotor assembled today. The service was great and the price wasn’t low…

What do you think?
Best, Kari
– enjoy & wear it in good health
MallyLooks really great and well done!WOw, that is beautiful! I love the logo (of course! that’s your doing wink But the way it looks in this AP is great!!!! What a terrific way to personalize this piece! Congrats and thanks for sharing. I’d love to see a shot of it, sitting on top of some of the company stationary wink
SThis is fantastic! Now this watch is truly yours and yours only. A custom piece! smile
