The latest trailer for the upcoming James Bond film, Spectre recently premiered during the NBA finals, and the British super-spy can be spotted wearing what looks to be an Omega Seamaster 300 Master Co-Axial on a nato strap. The Bond series of films has enjoyed a partnership with Omega, stemming all the way back to 1995’s Golden Eye, where then James Bond, Pierce Brosnan also wore a Omega Seamaster 300. The watch can be glimpsed on Craig’s wrist at around the :36 second mark during the trailer.
In celebration of the new film, Omega has also released a special edition Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra 150M Master Co-Axial, which bears several references to the successful film franchise. The coat of arms of the Bond family has been subtly integrated into the pattern of the blue dial. The symbol also finds residence on the end of the bright yellow seconds hand.
Spectre will hit theaters November 6.