July 27, 2024

Hello guys, 
Last week I was a few days off and I took some pics. In Belgium at the seaside and in Amsterdam. Just a few nice pics I wanted to share with you. 
Hope you enjoy! 
Best, H

Seaside in Belgium. Nature reserve 'Het Zwin'

Seaside in Belgium. Nature reserve ‘Het Zwin’

Seaside pics

Seaside pics

KAWS statue at Amsterdam Museumplein

KAWS statue at Amsterdam Museumplein

Hope you all had a nice holiday season!

Hope you all had a nice holiday season!

are true classics now.  I quite enjoy the square markers.
Thanks for showing it here.
This one is a rare RO and your pictures are very pleasing, thanks a lot for sharing H!

Cheers, Mark

But it looks really good on you. Great pictures too – they really bring out the classicism of the watch
No message bodyJust a great design.
JerryWThanks for sharing!